In my experience OxygenOS has provided a fairly stable and fast experience on the OnePlus 3, which is something I wasn't really able to say about OxygenOS on the OnePlus 2. Every operating system has bugs though, and OnePlus recently announced that OxygenOS 3.2.2 would begin rolling out to the OnePlus 3 as an OTA update. OxygenOS 3.2.2 is mostly a bug fixing update, and I've listed the change log from OnePlus below:

  • Improved notification management in doze.
  • Addressed alert slider/silent mode issue.
  • Disabled fingerprint sensor while in pocket.
  • Added NFC toggle in quick settings.
  • Improved noise cancellation in video recording.
  • Updated 4K video recording codec.
  • Added latest security patches and various optimizations.

I've encountered issues with the alert slider not disabling vibration when setting to silent mode, so I'm happy that OnePlus has squashed that bug. Among the bug fixes here is a change that is quite interesting despite being described in such a vague manner. "Updated 4K video recording codec" could mean a number of things ranging from a change in the H.264 profile used, to a move to HEVC or some other form of video coding. Given that video recording was one of the areas I felt the OnePlus 3 performed poorly, I thought it would be worth investigating what changed with video recording in OxygenOS 3.2.2.

  OnePlus 3 At Launch OnePlus 3 With OxygenOS 3.2.2
Resolution 3840 x 2160 3840 x 2160
Coding H.264 H.264
Profile H.264 Baseline H.264 High
Encoding Scheme CAVLC CABAC
Average Bitrate 42Mbps 54Mbps

Although OnePlus states that they changed the recording codec, H.264 is still being used. What has been changed is the corresponding H.264 profile. When it launched the OnePlus 3 used the H.264 baseline profile. This is the case for many Android devices, and I find it a bit odd as the H.264 baseline profile is generally intended for applications like video conferencing where quality and efficiency is not as much of a concern. The big difference between H.264 baseline and the Main and High profiles is the compression scheme that can be used. The Baseline profile is limited to using CAVLC encoding, which requires less processing power to decode than CABAC encoding which can be used with the Main and High profiles, but also results in lower video quality for a given bitrate due to the lower efficiency.

With the move to the H.264 High profile on the OnePlus 3 comes a change from CAVLC encoding to CABAC. This allows OnePlus to increase the quality at the same bitrate without increasing the file size. What will further improve video quality is the fact that the average bitrate has actually gone from 42Mbps to 54Mbps, an increase of nearly thirty percent. Unfortunately, I updated my OnePlus 3 without initially noticing these changes, so I'm unable to do a direct comparison between the two versions. That being said, the visual quality issues I identified in my original review were mostly the result of the relatively low bitrate, and so the improvements made to video encoding in OxygenOS 3.2.2 should address those problems.


Like the addition of an sRGB mode for the display, OnePlus's updates to the OnePlus 3 continue to improve the few things about the phone that kept it behind the best flagship phones on the market, and the result is a better experience for existing owners and an even better value proposition for prospective ones.

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  • mmrezaie - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    I had to switch to iphone for this generation because of the abysmal nexus experience of this generation. I do not believe software issue is going to be fixed by any of the other android hardware companies, but I hear only good things about oneplus. I hope they stay on this and be more open about their hardwares. Thanks for these news about oneplus.
  • edzieba - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    "do not believe software issue is going to be fixed by any of the other android hardware companies"

    Spambot forget to set the 'software issue' variable?
  • mmrezaie - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    As a bot: whaa? I meant these problem others have to provide timely updates according to android bulletin ;-)
  • vanilla_gorilla - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    Feel free to insert your own software issue, considering there are dozens of hugely critical security vulnerabilities in Android and tens of millions of unpatched phones in the wild.
  • mmrezaie - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    This article in ars also points to only one of the problems. You can find so much more in forums to have updated view on what is missing in almost all the manufacturers provided softwares. Region to region varies also, since they do not provide the same software on the similar phones they distribute in all the countries or regions.
  • cygnus1 - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    -Updated 4K video recording codec.

    Does not mean changed to a completely different codec... This isn't news. They likely would need different hardware to support HEVC recording, so you're never going to get that in a software update unless they plan to do in CPU and just kill your battery, if the CPU can even manage it.
  • Brandon Chester - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    Snapdragon 810 and 820 support HEVC encode, the issue is when you try to play it back on another device that has to try and decode it in software.
  • arayoflight - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    I think most phones released in 2015 and 2016 should support HEVC decode. The decoding compute via software is about 2x.

    Even my 3 year old Haswell based laptop plays HEVC fine upto 1080P. Don't know why no one is using HEVC already since playback doesn't seem to be an issue.
  • Eden-K121D - Thursday, July 28, 2016 - link

    My Has well i3 can play 4k 10 bit HEVC just fine
  • cygnus1 - Friday, July 29, 2016 - link

    I'll bet HEVC encode requires a binary licensed from Qualcomm, and that cost probably doesn't make sense in a $400 phone that's already spent the majority of BOM on fairly high end hardware for that final price.

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