On our last day of CEDIA we went through and did cleanup on the show floor, catching all of the things we missed and that you requested specifically.

A prevalent theme at CEDIA

Our first stop was a rarity at CEDIA as it would turn out...

The JVC Update

As an installer-focused show, we mostly encountered sales and marketing types, who gave us fluff answers to our questions and usually didn't even know the specs of the product they were trying to sell. There were a few exceptions, one of which being JVC, who allowed us to sit down with Gary Klasmeier, the Product Engineering Manager for JVC Professional Products including the newly announced DLA-RS2.


Sitting down with Gary we were able to get much more detail on the RS2 and how it differs from its predecessor.

Typically, a projector will take around 18 - 24 months to go from brainstorming a model to release. With DLA-RS2, a number of items were borrowed from the RS1 design, such as the case, thus allowing for a shorter design cycle.

The RS2/HD100 projectors that were at CEDIA were only about a week old before they were brought out to the show, they were in all senses of the words: engineering samples. The next step for JVC are pre-production samples, these ones will be used to figure out exactly what needs to be fixed/changed before going into mass production. JVC is expecting the first pre-production samples back by the end of this month, at which point he will have a better idea of when the final shipments will go out.

Right now JVC is targeting late November for the release of the DLA-RS2 and DLA-HD100, a stark contrast to Sony's immediately available VW60 but potentially worth the wait.

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  • zemane - Saturday, September 8, 2007 - link

    I've asked this on CEDIA Day 2 article but got no response so here it goes again: Is it too difficult to manufacture a native 2.35:1 projector? This way only 16:9 and 4:3 movies would have black bars on each side. Imagine, a true 2538x1080 image... :-)
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Sunday, September 9, 2007 - link

    What a coincidence, I asked JVC this exact question :)

    The problem with native 2.35:1 is that very few users actually want it, the market is too small to justify a company like JVC/Panasonic/Sony making such a projector. The other thing is that you end up sacrificing brightness by going the more pixels route, it's simply easier to use the stretch + anamorphic lens option at this point.

    Looking further down the road however, just as TVs made the transition to 16:9, the time may come when everyone starts wanting 2.35:1. That day looks to be very far from now, so until then I think the best we can hope for are cheaper anamorphic lens options.

    Take care,
  • zemane - Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - link

    Thanks Anand!
  • MGSsancho - Saturday, September 8, 2007 - link

    would be cool if you could group some of these together. like sub $5k, the 5-10k, 10-20k, 20k+ or something. its great to read a particular model was your fav. but priced at 23K... yeah i love dreaming too. but something under $5k is a little more reasonable. however, this convention was all about the greatest projectors.

    oh and any pics of mantraz receiver porn? =P

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